A little post about gratitude

How often do we stop and observe all the blessings in our lives, the real, tangible, practical things we have in our life that were just a dream or a wish not long ago?

I am sure that for some people the trust might even be- never.

Our minds are so comfortable in the past or the future. We can wish for something for so so long, but once we get it, it becomes a given in a matter of minutes.

We accept it to be our new reality and re-focus on that next dream, wish or goal.

That thing we feel we're in lack of, that once we get it, it'll all be different. Our life will make sense. We will be truly happy.

But hold on, didn't we already go through this process before? How come we never learn that it doesn't work? This is not how the human mind operates.

So while sitting here on this beautiful sunny day, thinking of all of my manifested blessings, I want to invite you to stop for a moment and do the same.

No matter what's happening in your life right now, think of all the wonderful things you currently get to live, experience or have.

Actually, write them down.

Once you are done, zoom in on one of them and go back in your memory to a time when you were wishing and praying for that very same thing.

See it, I mean really see it. Where were you? Crying into your pillow? Talking to a friend about it? My common one was driving in the car listening to affirmations and getting into the "vortex" as 'Abraham Hicks' would say.

Honor that version of you that wished for this new manifestation so bad. That version has brough it into your reality right now.

Love it, hug it, thank it.

Remember that you are not a miserable creature that doesn't have that thing you long for.

You are a powerful creator that by wishing, brings things to existance. So not having it is the first step to... having it 😊

Enjoy this magnificent day, loved ones.

Val X


The Practitioner’s Path: Recognising Trauma and Building Sustainable Healing Practices