Integrating an emotional release session effectively

It's common for us to find stored emotions in the tissues. A major part of working through restricted areas in the physical body is bringing these suppressed emotions from the body into the awareness.

It takes a lot of energy to maintain them stored and so releasing them will free up lots of energy for other things, better things, such as motivation, inspiration and productive action. Or even just nervous system regulation and digestion- the basic stuff.

Originally our mind chose to tuck away these feelings in order to protect us from feeling them. So to feel them now will require a clear decision to do so. A promise to self that we are safe to do so. Supported. Accepted. Seen. Primarily by ourselves.

The mind will still try to push it all back. This exact resistance is the number one reason for a tough integration of a session. It can happen in the physical aspect as well, resistance to let go of tissue tension, but the reason is the same. Feeling unsafe to let go.

My biggest tip is this:

Make sure that you actually are ready and safe, create the right environment inside and out and show clear evidence to your mind that you are safe to feel. Here are a few ideas on how to do that:

Write down past examples of working through hard feeling and the beautiful results.
Write a list of why you are ready to let go of the past.
Alternate between somatic practices and dropping deep into the emotions.
And take it easy.

Pain, anger and grief are all a part of it.
Allow yourself to feel.
It's your gateway to freedom.


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