We Need To Talk.

Most of us are used to passive therapy.

We lie down and the therapist works on us. Sometimes we can even fall asleep during a massage or Reiki session.

Although Alignment Therapy sessions may include bodywork and/or energetic therapy, the session is a full engagement session that requires the client's full participation, and here is why:

When looking for a guide or therapist, we usually seek assistance with issues we can't overcome by ourselves. We struggle with identifying the reasons for our issues, we suppress, dissasociate or restrict the root cause.

That's a natural self preservation mechanism that has evolved in the human psyche in order to keep us in the safe zone and away from danger.

The same protection pattern tends to play out in the physical, emotional and cognetive bodies/ aspects of us.

There is nothing to judge or condemn about how our brain protects us, but once we see it for what it is, the way to override this mechanism becomes very clear.

In the AT session, we want to become aware of the part that our brain has labeled as unsafe. Talking is the most efficient way to make that hidden part real, to bring it from the subconscious to the conscious mind.

Once the original event has been expressed verbally, we can't un-hear it or un-know it. We have to face it and see how our body, emotions and mind respond to it.

Yes, it's uncomfortable and can push us into a healing crisis [more on healing crisis here:
Healing crisis are you ready for it”]

In sessions we often see how efficient and immediate this mechanism is. If the thought or memory came up due to a restriction in the tissues- once acknowledged, the body will let go.

If it was emotional disassociation and pushed out into the energetic field, once brought to awareness, a natural process of embodiment will happen and these emotions will be processed by the nervous system.

To summarise, since all of these decisions happen in the psyche first and play out in the other systems after, when we reverse engineer the coping strategy of our mind, we end up back in the psyche/ the cognitive mind.

Alignment Therapy is designed to unravel that root cause and allow you to move on fully. And for that to happen, we need to talk.


Tapping into your higher-self


Integrating an emotional release session effectively